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2013年接受发表论文 16 篇
1.  陈永川, Daniel K. Du, 侯庆虎 and Lisa H. Sun
Congruences of multipartition functions modulo powers of primes
Ramanujan J. 35 (2014) 1-19.
2.  陈永川, Lewis H. Liu and Carol J. Wang
Linked partitions and permutation tableaux
Electron. J. Combin. 20 (2013) 10pp.
3.  陈永川, Janet F.F. Peng and Harold R.L. Yang
Decomposition of triply rooted trees
Electron. J. Combin. 20 (2013) 10pp.
4.  陈永川, 季青, Hai-Tao Jin and Erin Y.Y. Shen
On the number of partitions with designated summands
J. Number Theory 133 (2013) 2929-2938.
5.  陈永川, Anne X.Y. Ren and Arthur L.B. Yang
Proof of a positivity conjecture on Schur functions
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 120 (2013) 644-648.
6.  甘在会, Boling Guo and Daiwen Huang
Blow-up and nonlinear instability for the magnetic Zakharov system
J. Funct. Anal. 265 (2013) 953-982.
7.  Hui Zhao, 荣喜民, Jiling Cao
Optimal investment with multiple risky assets for an insurer in an incomplete market
Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc. (2013) 12pp.
8.  Min Zhang, 黄正海 and Ying Zhang
Restricted p-isometry properties of nonconvex matrix recovery
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 59 (2013) 4316-4323.
9.  Hu Shenglong, 黄正海, Qi Liqun
Finding the extreme Z-eigenvalues of tensors via a sequential semidefinite programming method
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 20 (2013) 972-984.
10.  陈永川, Doris D.M. Sang and 施亚辉
The Rogers-Ramanujan-Gordon theorem for overpartitions
Proc. London Math. Soc. 106 (2013) 1371-1393.
11.  陈永川 and Ernest X.W. Xia
Proof of a conjecture of Hirschhorn and Sellers on overpartitions
Acta Arith. 163 (2014) 59-69.
12.  陈永川, 郭剑峰 and Larry X.W. Wang
Zeta functions and the log behavior of combinatorial sequences
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 58 (2015) 637-651.
13.  陈永川, 郭剑峰 and Larry X.W. Wang
Infinitely log-monotonic combinatorial sequences
Adv. in Appl. Math. 52 (2014) 99-120.
14.  陈永川, Alvin Y.L. Dai and Robin D.P. Zhou
Ordered partitions avoiding a permutation pattern of length 3
European J. Combin. 36 (2014) 416-424.
15.  Shenglong Hu, Zheng-Hai Huang and Liqun Qi
Finding the extreme Z-eigenvalues of tensors via a sequential SDPs method
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 20 (2013) 972-984.
16.  陈永川, George Z. Gong and 郭剑峰
The sorting index and permutation codes
Adv. in Appl. Math. 50 (2013) 367-389.